报告题目:Multi-body marine structures; wave-structure-interaction analysis and viscous models
报告人:Constantine Michailides博士,Lecturer (elected Faculty member) in Offshore Structures/Engineering in the Civil Engineering and Geomatics (CEG)
Department of Cyprus University of Technology (CUT), Limassol, Cyprus
Multi-body marine structures are used in a big number of different technologies (e.g. oil and gas, offshore renewables, coastal applications). Numerical analysis of such systems is very challenging. Moreover hydroelasticity should be accounted appropriately. Analysis and design of multi-body coastal and offshore structures is a challenging task; wave-structure interaction and resulting wave loads should be appropriately addressed within the limitations of computational capacity and time. For the analysis and design of coastal and offshore structures wave loads by using potential flow solver and BEM are commonly used; the calculated wave loads are afterwards used from finite element tools for the analysis and design of coastal and offshore structures. On the other hand, Computational Fluid Dynamics methods that are solving the Navier-Stokes equations find a lot of applications in offshore engineering. Hybrid numerical analysis methods for addressing wave-structure interaction are currently under development targeting to achieve high level of efficient analysis and low computational cost. A new proposed hybrid numerical analysis method that is based on both finite element method and computational fluid.

Dr. Constantine Michailides holds a BSc, MSc and PhD in Civil Engineering from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh), Greece. He did a PhD (2012) in Marine and Offshore Engineering in hydroelasticity of floating structures and wave energy converters. Since May 2013, he joined Centre for Ships and Ocean Structures (CeSOS) and Centre for Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems (AMOS) in the Department of Marine Technology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). In NTNU he was working as Postdoctoral Researcher mainly on projects with focus to experimental and numerical investigation of combined offshore wind turbines and ocean energy devices until January 2016 when he was appointed as a Senior Lecturer in the Marine and Offshore Engineering at Liverpool John Moores University, UK.
Dr. Constantine Michailides has performed research on numerical analysis, experimental testing and structural-field monitoring of offshore and coastal structures and systems. His research focuses on global and local numerical analysis of offshore and coastal structures and systems (oil and gas, renewable energy, ports), fluid-structure interaction, wave kinematics, hydro -dynamics -elasticity, ocean energy devices, offshore wind technology, offshore combined energy systems, physical model testing, structural health monitoring, optimization, genetic algorithms and floating bridges/tunnels. Recent interests include reliability analysis for offshore engineering applications, CFD and coastal morph dynamics。